


We can supply all products related to interior at three factories. There is no other type of business like our company even nationwide. For example, in the usual case, if you make a door as custom, you cannot make the same color and design as other interior materials (storage and construction materials). However, we can match all interior materials with the same design. Total coordination of interior decoration is possible with doors, closets, entrance storage, toilet storage, kitchen storage, construction materials, wall surface cosmetic materials, flooring materials etc., products that we can offer.


We will commercialize the feeling that customers will "get better if this is the case" or "I wish there would be such a thing". Know-how and best technology cultivated in the 40-year history as a housing maker. In addition we want to help customers! There is no thing that cannot be commercialized if there is a passion of.
Our company does not have a catalog. It is because we have always taken the style of developing products by accumulating proposals according to customer's request. There are many cases that products which could not be realized by other companies could be commercialized by our technology and creative ingenuity.


CAD / CAM system said to be impossible in building material makers. We realized introduction by developing our own program. As a result, centralized management from order entry to shipment becomes possible, and production accuracy and speed are dramatically improved.
It is possible to receive daily orders, daily production, and daily delivery of more than 400,000 kinds of original products by apartment house. For doors it is also possible to respond to shipping the next day we received orders. Even customers with strict requirements can be satisfied.